Invisalign Treatment for Crowded Teeth in Davis

Invisalign Treatment for Crowded Teeth “Crowded teeth” refers to a condition of insufficient space for teeth to grow into and thereby causing mild or severe overlapping. Crowded teeth can also be referred to as dental crowding. Invisalign treatment for crowded teeth helps you align your teeth back into their proper positions. You may have inherited …

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Invisalign Treatment for Crooked Teeth in Davis

Invisalign treatment for Crooked Teeth Can Invisalign fix crooked teeth? The answer is yes. Invisalign aligners will straighten your teeth but the degree of effectiveness is dependent on the severity of the teeth’s crookedness. Types of Crooked Teeth Overbite An overbite is a condition in which your upper front teeth close in front of the …

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Invisalign in Davis

Invisalign Traditionally, patients used to straighten their teeth using metal braces. With advancements in dentistry, patients now have more options from which to choose. At our clinic, we offer Invisalign treatments for teeth straightening. Why choose Invisalign? Apart from being invisible, Invisalign has the following benefits: Invisalign braces are removable. This makes them preferred because …

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How Invisalign Works in Davis

How Invisalign Works You are probably reading this because you’ve heard about Invisalign treatment for teeth straightening. If you are wondering how Invisalign works, we’ll tell you here. Invisalign gives you a straighter smile in 3 steps! What is Invisalign? Invisalign is a dental innovation that straightens teeth using aligners. The aligners are worn over …

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Invisalign Treatment for Crowded Teeth in Davis

Invisalign Treatment for Crowded Teeth “Crowded teeth” refers to teeth misalignment caused by a small jaw or large teeth that don’t fit the jaw. As a result, your teeth are overlapped or twisted. They may be pushed upward or downwards as well. Patients who have crowded teeth have different treatment options to choose from depending …

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Invisalign Treatment for Crooked Teeth in Davis

Invisalign Treatment for Crooked Teeth Are you embarrassed about smiling in public because of your crooked teeth? Dental technology presents you with Invisalign as another way of correcting your problem. Invisalign straightens your teeth in a discreet manner and gives you the confidence you need. What is Invisalign? Invisalign refers to clear plastic aligners that …

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Invisalign in Davis

Invisalign Invisalign refers to sets of clear aligners that are worn on the lower and upper teeth to gradually straighten them. Unlike traditional metal braces, Invisalign does not use wires. In fact, the aligners are nearly invisible. This allows the patient to straighten teeth discreetly. This page answers common questions about Invisalign. What is Invisalign? …

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How Invisalign Works in Davis

How Invisalign works Invisalign is a teeth straightening treatment. To understand how it works, read on. What is Invisalign? Invisalign is quite a popular term in the dental field and you have probably heard about it. But what is it? Invisalign is a brand name for clear aligner sets worn over teeth to make them …

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Invisalign Treatment for Crowded Teeth in Davis

Invisalign Treatment for Crowded Teeth Teeth crowding is a condition of misaligned teeth. Your teeth become twisted, overlapped, or bunched up as a result of space shortage. Crowded teeth impact your life in different ways including: Altering your facial appearance Causing discomfort or pain when biting or chewing Biting your tongue or inner cheeks when …

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Invisalign Treatment for Crooked Teeth in Davis

Invisalign Treatment for Crooked Teeth Invisalign is a dental innovation that provides dental patients with a way to straighten teeth discreetly. Invisalign aligners are worn for approximately 22 hours a day and they work on your teeth slowly, moving them into a proper alignment. If you have crooked teeth, you are a candidate for Invisalign! …

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